SUMMER ART at beehive
Monday – Friday
11am  -1pm  OR  3pm – 5pm          
Choose one, two or all five weeks   
$210.00 per week
registration HERE

week ONE  JUNE 25-29
Games Puzzles and Toys
create and design your own  games, pocket toys, board games, puzzles, wooden boat, hand puppets.

week TWO  JULY 9-13
Magical Mystery Tour  Music
create and design your own musical instruments, mic, guitar, drum, maracas, tambourine, CD album art, posters, sticker and a groovy T shirt

week THREE JULY 16-20
All Things Paper
book, journal and card making, printing, stamping, paper making, marbling, papermache, paper lanterns 

week FOUR  JULY 23-27
Threads  Fabric & Textiles
Tie-dye, weaving, silk-screening, hand sewing and applique, bags, capes, pouches, puppets

week FIVE  JULY 30- AUGUST 3
Big Plans  Sculpture
3D constructions, tree houses and hide aways, miniatures, mobiles, modeling with wood, clay, model magic, wire, paper, fabric and a variety of cool UPcycled materials.


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