by Kim Poler | Dec 5, 2013 | beehive workshop, gifts to give workshop, holiday, kim poler, made by beehive, winter 2013
GIFTS to GIVE workshops Annual beehive holiday workshopfilled to the brim with festive treasures and fun gifts. A dazzling assortment of hands on gift making, printing, tags and wrap papering, cutting, collaging, painting,...
by Kim Poler | Dec 7, 2012 | beehive workshop, fall 2012, gifts, gifts to give workshop, good ideas for kids, holiday
Just home and brushing off the glitter from this very festive workshop.Beautiful gifts made bymany small hands.
by Kim Poler | Jan 1, 2012 | beehive workshop, great fun stuff, holiday
by Kim Poler | Dec 22, 2011 | eli, holiday
every year I set the birthday table with candles, funny wind-up toys,Twizzlers, Cheez Doodles, and many photographs of the guest of honor. Today is ELI’s 19th (holy moley) Birthday.Just now, I grabbed this collage off my bedroom sheets...
by Kim Poler | Dec 20, 2011 | beehive workshop, holiday
LAST BLAST OPEN ART TODAY 4 – 5:30 Holiday Greetings to all our Beehive friends!We’re having a last blast OPEN ART this afternoon for kids 4 and UP. A dazzling assortment of big hands on gift making, printing, tags and wrap papering, cutting and...
by Kim Poler | Dec 2, 2011 | beehive workshop, cookies, holiday |
Come in out of the cold and decorate one half dozen BIG holiday sugar cookies using icing and decorations galore! We will also decorate and design a box to take them home in. DECEMBER 14, 15 and 16th 4 – 5:30 .For Kids 4 and up,...