by Kim Poler | Sep 19, 2013 | beehive classes for kids, fall 2013, great fun stuff, kim poler, lampshades
What do you do with a really cool painted lampshade? Put it on your head of course!! beehive ART expanded exploration...
by Kim Poler | May 2, 2013 | beehive pop-up, cheeriup studio, garden, good for kids, great fun stuff, kelly english
As you know, I’ve been looking for a new space for beehive.What do you think?I love love love. Made by Kelly English, willow thicket weaver cheeriup studio Hand-made willow dwellings for all ages lovingly woven from Minneapolis,...
by Kim Poler | Oct 10, 2012 | good for kids, good ideas, great fun stuff,
Twig Creative is a creative boutique that specializes in childrens’ toys. First I fell for the necklaces,and then I found the cameras…oh boy!great blog fun shop
by Kim Poler | Oct 1, 2012 | goggly eyes., good for kids, great fun stuff, october
Get your chocolate googly eyes here,you know you want to.
by Kim Poler | May 31, 2012 | beehive classes, great fun stuff, summer ART 2012
early bird ART at beehive June 11-14 June 18-21Monday – Thursday 11am-1pmSpecifically for Pre-K, 3-5 year oldsEarly Bird is an exciting studio art...
by Kim Poler | May 21, 2012 | great fun stuff
have a great week for yourself! image found collect and cast