by Kim Poler | Aug 1, 2015 | art for kids, beehive art studio, good ideas for kids, kim poler, seashells, summer ART 15
A colorful stack of secret shell messages from summer ART15 Simply sweet and sincere,just like the children who created...
by Kim Poler | Oct 16, 2014 | beehive art classes, color, etsy, good ideas for kids, handmade, kim beehive etsy, mobiles
The past week I’ve been working a new mobiles for this and that.I sewed up bunches of white mobiles for the beehive classes to design and color. The younger beehive crowd added big bold watercolor to their mobiles. Older kids drew intricate patterns...
by Kim Poler | Sep 23, 2014 | beehive art, good ideas for kids, kids art, painted fish, sculpture, summer art 14
This is one of my favorite projects from summer art. We had a school of these wooden fish and painted them up with watercolors and tiny brushes. We couldn’t stop there, they wriggled onto painted bases attached with...
by Kim Poler | Aug 12, 2013 | art classes for kids in boston, good for kids, good ideas for kids, kids art, kim poler, summer, summer ART 13
group mural drawing, painting combo oil resist and tempera framesdetail oil pastel on wood ...
by Kim Poler | Jul 7, 2013 | beehive art, good for kids, good ideas for kids, marbling, mobiles, mustaches, painting, pillows, printing, printing on fabric, sewing, summer ART 13, tie dye |
Before we head into summerART week onetake a looky at what we’ve been up to. ...
by Kim Poler | Jan 28, 2013 | beehive workshop, good ideas for kids, valentines, winter 2013
Our annual sweet and very special Valentine Extravaganza Friday, February 8th4:00 – 5:30Cards, gifts, garlands, and a big HEART cookie.ALL served with a boatload of glitter.xoxoxoxocall beehive for reservations 978 443 6900