by Kim Poler | Nov 20, 2015 | beehive 2015, beehive classes for kids, puppet theaters, puppets
I’ve had the pleasure of creating puppets with a great group of children in an after school program. We started with canvas puppets, sharpie and paints. Added wooden features and canvas hairdos. The theaters are a favorite combo of oil...
by Kim Poler | Feb 17, 2014 | beehive classes for kids, beehive winter 2014 schedule, beehive workshop, good for kids, kim poler
FEBRUARY VACATION WORKSHOPFebruary 20 – 21THURSDAY & FRIDAY10:00 – 1:00pmSculpt penguins, create a pinata,construct castles, pen and ink illustration,painting, weaving, tie dye.Bring a nut free lunch.Ages 4 -9, $100
by Kim Poler | Sep 26, 2013 | beehive art, beehive classes for kids, clock designs, fall 2013, kids art, kim poler, wayland workshops
This week begins beehive ART workshopsin the Wayland Public Schools. Clock designs by children age 6 – 10yrs.
by Kim Poler | Sep 24, 2013 | art classes for kids in boston, beehive classes for kids, kim poler
brush selection,beehive studio class