by Kim Poler | Dec 29, 2015 | art box, art kits for kids, beehive 2015, beehive art studio, kim poler
MINI MOUSE HOUSE – create a world of miniatures ART CLOCK – design your own clockBUILD – construct a wood sculpture, structure, building, landscape CREATE – mixed media collage on frames, cards+tags, mini...
by Kim Poler | Sep 27, 2015 | art box, art kits for kids, beehive art, mixed media, wood sculpture
WE are so happy to be spreading the word about our beehive ART boxes. We’ve put together our favorite materials and methods from the studio and put them in a box for you. OPEN the box and explore! get your beehive ART box...
by Kim Poler | Nov 14, 2011 | art box, good goods
Last week was a good time to get busy stacking, sorting, snipping and sifting for beehive ART boxes. Sam created a colorful assembly line that I couldn’t resist sharing…the colors, textures, shapes and a whole lot of creative energy!...