by Kim Poler | Feb 27, 2013 | drawings, good ideas, great art, Shantell Martin
Who says you can’t draw on your walls?Or door, bed, chair, car or sneakers?Shantell Martin here. ...
by Kim Poler | Feb 25, 2013 | Allan Fleming, Alphabet Book, atelier pour enfants blogspot, good for kids
Art director/designer: Allan FlemingIllustrator: Children of Kettle Point Schoolfound from this
by Kim Poler | Feb 24, 2013 | beehive classes, beehive workshop, good for kids, spring 2013
It is hard to believe we are about to JUMP into theEarly SPRING Session at Beehive.JOIN us for6 weeks of ART, creativity, simplicity, fun,laughter,bold color, good music, imagination,some dancing,great...
by Kim Poler | Feb 24, 2013 | Uncategorized
I keep coming across these precious creations and had to share.I love everything about them, the colors, the materials, the tiny precise details and really…want to crawl into that...